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MLS Student

Medical laboratory science is the study and practice of diagnostic medicine. A practitioner with appropriate education (ordinarily a bachelor's degree) in the profession is called a Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS). 医学实验室的科学家进行血液分析测试, urine, 组织或其他身体标本. 这些专业人士表演, develop, evaluate, 关联并确保实验室数据的准确性和有效性. A medical laboratory scientist's role is to provide accurate laboratory results in a timely manner. These results are used to confirm a diagnosis or to monitor treatment.

Medical laboratory scientists practice independently and collaboratively and are responsible for their own professional actions. 与人相处的能力, care about patient outcomes and display calm and reasoned judgment are essential qualities. Although medical laboratory scientists seldom have personal contact with patients, they play a major role in disease diagnosis and in monitoring therapy. They work closely with physicians, researchers and other health care professionals.



Contact admissions@ivantseng.com 澳门线上博彩官网入学要求的问题.  


Required application materials can be submitted as they are completed, but all materials 必须在录取考虑之前收到吗.

完整的申请人档案将在滚动基础上进行审查. Admission decisions take 3 to 4 weeks after the application is complete.


General education prerequisite courses are taken at another regionally accredited institution and transferred to Allen College.

Applications can be submitted before all general education requirements are complete, 但如果被录取, general education coursework must be completed before starting the program in May. 



All required MLS coursework may be completed in one calendar year, 但是兼职计划也是可行的.

Students receive the Bachelor of Health Sciences degree with a MLS major and qualify for MLS certification upon completion of program requirements. This option is also possible for those who already have an associate's or baccalaureate degree and have completed all general education courses.

The MLS program has a summer start date and is offered in an online delivery format. Clinical rotations are completed at a clinical laboratory facility.

MLS全日制课程 MLS兼职课程 



The mission of the 医学化验学(MLS) program is to provide a baccalaureate-level educational program that prepares individuals for a career in the laboratory science profession.

Program Goals

澳门线上博彩官网的理念一致, the mission and objectives of the 卫生科学学院 and the mission of the MLS program, 毕业生将能够:

  • 整合人文学科的知识, 社会科学, natural science and medical laboratory science to demonstrate professional MLS practice.
  • Collaborate and integrate with members of the healthcare team to facilitate caring behaviors to meet the needs of patients in different health care settings and delivery practices.
  • Demonstrate technical competency in the delivery of quality laboratory service in all areas in the scope of medical laboratory practice.
  • Display a commitment to the role and the development of the medical laboratory professional.


The CPL process is directed to prospective or admitted students who currently work in a laboratory setting or have obtained medical laboratory technician (MLT) certification prior to attending the Allen College MLS program. The CPL process involves evaluating current and/or post-degree work experience against specific program objectives. Students with current experience and/or MLT certification can earn credit for the Phlebotomy and Pre-Analytical Variables course, and students with MLT certification may also be eligible to earn credit that satisfies clinical rotation requirements in hematology, 临床化学, 微生物学和免疫血液学.

Instructions  CPL Portfolio 




  • 秋季- 160学时:血液学80学时,化学80学时
  • 春季- 160学时:微生物学80学时,免疫血液学80学时
  • We have established relationships with multiple clinical rotation site locations in Iowa
  • Incoming students who have an established relationship with an institution may elect to complete clinical rotations there if a clinical contract can be arranged
  • Students who plan to live out of state must find their own local clinical site (please allow eight (8) weeks for clinical contract processing); if a local clinical site cannot be arranged, 学生将被安排在爱荷华州的一个地点



  • 运用体液相关的理论和原理, blood bank, chemistry, hematology, 免疫学和微生物学实验室检测.
  • Explain the fundamental biological characteristics related to laboratory testing.
  • 执行各种各样的实验室测试.
  • 识别实验室测试中的错误来源.
  • Use appropriate quality control and quality management procedures to ensure the accuracy of laboratory testing results.
  • Assess the accuracy of laboratory test results by correlating laboratory data with clinical diagnoses.
  • Evaluate and apply appropriate corrective actions when problems are encountered.
  • Apply management principles to the medical laboratory environment.
  • 准确报告患者检测结果.
  • Demonstrate professional conduct when communicating with patients, 实验室人员, 其他卫生保健专业人员和公众.

Upon satisfactory completion of the program and completion of baccalaureate degree requirements, graduates are eligible to sit for the national certification exam offered by the American Society of Clinical Pathology-Board of Certification (ASCP-BOC).

The Allen College Medical Laboratory Science Program is accredited by the 国家临床实验室科学认证协会 (NAACLS).

5600 N. River Rd.
Suite 720
(773) 714-8880
E-mail: info@naacls.org

Website: http://www.naacls.org